Demon Slayer (Kimetsu no Taiba) is a wonderful anime and a piece of Art which released from June 3, 2016 to December 4, 2020 and have total 26 episodes
IMDB Rating - 8.4
Rotten Tomato - 95%
Anime World Rating - 98%
Total Number of Episodes - 26 Episodes
The Story is about a boy name Tanjiro Kamado who lives in a mountain with his family and sell charcoal to feed his family. He has become sole source of income after his father died. everything changes when one day he come home to discover that his family has been attacked and slaughtered by a demon. the sole survivor of that incident is his younger sister Nezuko which has been turned into a demon.
The anime revolve around the main protagonist Tanjiro who travel from place to place to find a cure to turn her sister back to human.
Personal Opinion :-
I HIGHLY recommend to watch this anime if you are a beginner in the anime world or you have watched 100s of anime in past. The bond between brother and sister is unmatchable compared to other anime. The back story after each demon which looses to Tanjiro is remarkable. I assure you that you will never regret watching this anime. you will also feel the more and more gravity toward this anime after each episode passes. breathtaking animation, intense BGM and soundtrack that leaves a long lasting impression on you.